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Well, I don’t know about you, but I tend not to make New Year’s Resolutions. Frankly, New’s Year’s as a holiday has lost the appeal it once had as a holiday. Sure, when I was in college it was another excuse to have a party, but in reality when you’re in college, any given Tuesday is an excuse to have a party. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten older. Maybe it’s because I just don’t have the discipline to keep a resolution. Whatever.

 I also don’t like it when the media spends all of their time ‘looking back’ at the top stories of the year. I’m ready to look forward. So here’s a list of what I’m looking forward to in 2008!

 1) On January 8th the paperback edition of Spy Goddess: To Hawaii with Love goes on sale. Isn’t that exciting!

2) February 26th, the all Spy Goddess Manga, Spy Goddess: The Chase for the Chalice goes on sale! Doubly exciting

3) March 1 TEXAS RANGERS: LEGENDARY LAWMEN goes on sale! My newest picture book will be released by Walker Books for Young Readers. Triply exciting!

4) Sometime in May. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull arrives in theaters. Sure the name is a little lame, but Spielberg could have called it Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Dirty Dishwater and I’m still there.

 5) July 22 DANIEL BOONE’S GREAT ESCAPE goes on sale! Another new picture book from Walker Books for Young Readers! Quadruply exciting!

6) In fall 2008, my newest novel THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail will reach bookstores.

 So as you can see, 2008 has already been a very exciting year for me. What are you looking forward too this year?

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