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At the Movies with Robin Hood

O what have they done?’ said bold Robin Hood,
I pray thee tell to me.’–
It’s for slaying of the King’s fallow deer,
Bearing their long bows with thee.’–

‘Dost thou not mind, old woman,’ he said,
thou made me sup and dine?
By the truth of my body,’quoth bold Robin Hood,
‘You could tell it in no better time.’

‘Now Robin Hood is to Nottingham gone,
With a link a down and a day,
And a silly old palmer he did meet,
Was walking along the highway.

‘What news? what news, thou silly old man?
What news, I do thee pray?’—
Said he Three Squires in Nottingham Town,
Are condemned to die this day.

From a 14th Century Ballad of Robin Hood

“…puts a brilliant spin on the traditional tales of Robin Hood and Maid Marian.”
School Library Journal on The Youngest Templar: Trail of Fate

douglas-fairbanks-robinhoodWhen it comes to action heroes on the big and small screens, probably no other figure has been portrayed as often as Robin Hood. From early silent films to this year’s Russell Crowe extravaganza, the Outlaw of Sherwood has captured the imagination of storytellers for centuries.

kevincostner-robinhoodI’d like to know what your favorite theatrical version of Robin Hood is? Do you have a hankering for The Prince of Thieves with Kevin Costner as Hood? (Please say no). Or is Douglas Fairbanks or Errol Flynn more your style? Have you seen the BBC version of Robin Hood?

Let me know what your personal favorites are. And if you’ve been to see the newest Robin Hood, what did you think? Where does it stack up against the others?

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