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Author Suzanne Enoch And I Discuss Our New Novels And More Importantly Which Is Better Star Wars or Star Trek (and it’s totally Star Trek)

Greetings Readers!

It’s just a week from today that my first novel for adults Blood Riders goes on sale! How time flies. And speaking of time flying, you’re running out of it if you want to pre-order a copy and get free-shipping to get the book on it’s release day. In a fun twist of fate, my friend and fellow New York Times Best-selling author Suzanne Enoch has a new novel going on sale the same day! It’s called Rules To Catch A Devilish Duke. So Suzanne and I decided to interview each other about our   new books, and most important which is ‘better’ Star Wars or Star Trek? (Totally Star Trek!)

Michael P. Spradlin: Suzanne, your new book Rules To Catch A Devilish Duke which is on sale, September 25, 2012 has two things in it that women love: Rules and Devilish Dukes. It is also on sale the very same day, (September 25, 2012) as my first novel for adults, Blood Riders. But that’s not what I really want to talk about. The most important question our readers will have, of course, is our positions on which is better: Star Trek or Star Wars? Without hesitation you would answer Star Trek, right?!)

Suzanne Enoch: Hah. I’ll ignore the “rules” comment in favor of the larger affront. Star Trek has some nice bald guys (or guys pretending not to be bald), but come on. A galaxy far, far away, Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Force, Princess Leia and her metal bikini (that’s for you, Michael), light sabers, giant ship-eating worms… Need I go on?

Michael P. Spradlin: Well, yeah…Seriously? I’ll give you the Han Solo thing, but I have two words. Jar Jar Binks. Or is that three words? Is it Jar Jar or JarJar? On second thought who cares? The Shat. Leonard Nimoy. Patrick Stewart. Avery Brooks. Klingons, Borg, Romulans v. Darth Vader the walking Iron Lung? You can’t really like Star Wars better can you? I mean…I thought I knew you.

Suzanne Enoch: Okay, I honestly cannot defend Jar Jar. Or the Ewok’s. But hey, you’ve got Wesley Crusher. And “Spock’s Brain”. And Vulcan’s who can only have sex every seven years. I’ll admit that the Borg are pretty cool, but Star Wars has Darth Maul with a double-bladed light saber. And do you really think the Enterprise (any of them) could make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs? Do you?

Michael P. Spradlin: Sigh. I don’t even know what a parsec is. I think it’s something else George Lucas made up. Like the rest of his extraordinarily  bad dialogue. Whatever. So give us a brief take on Rules To Catch A Devilish Duke? I’m assuming from the title there is a devilish Duke and he…

Suzanne Enoch: Cripes. The Duke of Greaves has to marry within the next six weeks. But his big find-a-bride Christmas   party gets off to a bad start when the only bridge to his estate collapses. His only guest – once he retrieves her from the river – is Sophia White, illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Hennessy and faro dealer at the notorious Tantalus Club. A scandalous female unhappily betrothed to a vicar who wants to save her soul. The exact one woman Greaves can never marry. Or can he?

Suzanne Enoch: So give my readers the skinny on Blood Riders.

Michael P. Spradlin: Blood Riders takes place in the early 1880’s in the American West. A former Captain in the US  Cavalry, Jonas Hollister is locked up in Leavenworth for claiming his platoon was wiped out by ‘blood drinking demons’. One day famed detective Allan Pinkerton shows up with an offer. These demons are real. They are hunting and killing again and if he will lead an effort to hunt them down and kill them he will be pardoned and his name and honor restored.

He teams up with a fellow inmate named Chee, a woman with a mysterious agenda, a dog of indeterminate origins and a MacGyver-esque engineer named Monkey Pete. Pinkerton gives him a specially outfitted train and he travels the West looking for these creatures. I’m calling it ‘Hell On Wheels’ meets ‘The Brothers Grimm.’

To order your copy of Suzanne Enoch’s Rules To Catch A Devilish Duke, click here.

To order your copy of Blood Riders, click here.

And for those of you on Facebook, you can read a special Blood Riders Short story, Blood Riders: Origins & Doubts click here to start reading.



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