There are moments in a movie theater that you just can’t replicate anywhere else. Sure, you could spread greasy popcorn on your living room floor so your feet stick to it and spill your Diet Coke on the carpet, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Heck, sometimes I do that just for the fun of it.
You can have a big screen TV and a surround sound system and popcorn right out of the microwave and a box of Milk Duds that you picked up at Wal-Mart, but it still doesn’t compare with going to the movies. There is something about the darkened theater, and the giant screen and the images flickering on that wall of light.
Personally, I think it takes us back to our earliest primal beginnings. When we lived in caves lit only by firelight. A village elder or the tribal shaman stood in the shadows of the dancing flames and played out a story for us on the cave wall. in case you’re wondering, I also believe that American football is a metaphor for the settlement of the American continent, like Crash Davis that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and that white chocolate is not real chocolate and therefore is an abomination unto man. But I digress.
I’ve always loved the movies. And this weekend seeing JUNO, made me understand why. It’s a movie so fine, with performances so real and nuanced by the actors, especially the star Ellen Page, that you forget you are watching a movie. It’s one of the truest depictions of teenage life that has ever been seen on the screen. It also has one of the most loving and realistic portrayals of middle class life of any movie I can think of right now.
Yes, it deals with teenage pregnancy. That might make you uncomfortable. But the movie doesn’t take a stand on the issue other than to say, there are consequences we all must face from the decisions we make. Personally, I think this movie should be seen by everyone over the age of twelve. Just as I’ve always felt that Jerry Maguire should be required viewing in every Graduate Business school in America. I don’t want to give away any spoilers except to say that I don’t see how any one on any side of the teen pregnancy issue could have a problem with this film.
I highly recommend it. Go see it. In fact it’s the perfect movie for parents and their teenagers to see together. And yes, I know that’s lame because, like, ick, what teenager wants to go to a movie with THEIR PARENTS? Do me a favor. Do it any way.
When you see it, or if you’ve seen it, let me know what you thought.
P.S. The paperback edition of Spy Goddess: To Hawaii, With Love is now on sale. Just, you know, a friendly reminder.