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Five Observations On Knightfall!

nullKnightfall is the new scripted series from the History Channel about the Knights Templar.

1. Knightfall starts with the siege of Acre.
The Templars have lost the Holy Land. They are being trashed talked by a Saracen. Don’t ever trash talk a Templar. (You might kill them, but you’ll pay for it). The forces of the west would not control the Holy Land again.

2. The costumes, weapons and other props seem historically accurate.
The single sail, shallow draft boat in the escape scene shows somebody was paying attention. Weapons and clothing are so easy for a production to get right but so many don’t. So far, so good.

3. They use the tunnels below the Crusaders palace.
Another historical touch. It also sounds like a book I know. (That would be The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail in case you’re wondering).

4. They talk about the Templars original mission
They were originally sent to the Holy Land to protect religious pilgrims on their way to and from Jerusalem. They also meet in the commandery and mention Jacques DeMolay, the last Grand Master of the Order. Well done, History Channel!

5. Philip IV of France is a character
Also known as Philip the Fair. He will ultimately imprison and torture the Templars. He already looks like he has acid reflux.

Here are some other observations.

I thought the first episode of Knightfall was well done.

Brother Landry is the main character. He wants to fight. Not sit around Paris. There was a division among Templars about their role in protecting people in cities where they had commanderies. Landry seems to believe in the original Templar mission of protecting religious pilgrims and the weak and downtrodden. Some garrisons actively patrolled the streets of their cities, protecting Jews, especially. Some garrisons took no action in city affairs.

Landry wants to lead the Templars back to the Holy Land.

A sword through the back of the head is always a good way to end a fight.

Now we have a young farm boy ordered by a dying knight to take a sword to another Templar. Boy this sounds familiar. “Take my sword to Brother Landry, he will know what to do with it.”

Templar’s were supposed to take a vow of poverty and chastity. It appears Landry has a girlfriend. They’re also rich. A very broad interpretation of vow.
Intrigue starts to bubble with Landry as acting master, his fellow knights are questioning his leadership.

The Jews are forced to leave Paris. They are set upon by the Kings ruffians who want their wealth.

Landry and the Templars arrive to do some butt-kicking.

I can only hope that you’ll watch and that Knightfall becomes as popular as The Vikings! The History Channel has a pretty good track record with their scripted dramas.

No spoilers for the ending. But I’ll say I’ll be watching more Knightfall.

Also, Knightfall has a connection to The Youngest Templar. They are not aware of it, but the show is produced by actor Jeremy Renner. He plays Hawkeye in the Marvel movies. Hawkeye is an archer. Hawkeye has always been my favorite Avenger. Robard Hode is an archer in the Youngest Templar. This cannot be a coincidence. If you’ve never seen Jeremy Renner talk about his role as Hawkeye, checkout this clip from the Jimmy Fallon show.

Knightfall airs on Wednesday nights at 10pm on the History Channel. Check your local listings. And read The Youngest Templar trilogy to learn more about the world of the Templars. And even if you don’t want to watch a new show, you can still read The Youngest Templar trilogy. It’s totally allowed.

Your authorness


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