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I Like To Call This Kind of Blog–News and Notes!

As usual I’ve been busy the last couple of weeks. As we get closer to the publication date of THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail (on sale September 18th, wherever books are sold! I’m just sayin’) there is a lot happening. A lot of moving and shaking. A lot of buzz. A lot of hype. A lot of bobbing and weaving. So I’ve been a little late with posts. So let me fill you in.

First I went to Comic Con in San Diego. I had heard about Comic Con in San Diego but I had never actually been there. I have two words to say about the experience. In. Sane. I find myself struggling to describe it and unless you’ve been there, it’s very hard to paint a visual picture. Imagine 125,000 of the biggest fan boys, geeks, goths, people who like to dress up in their favorite Star Wars costumes, geeks, Joss Whedon, Star Trek nerds, comic book writers and collectors of every stripe, all jammed into an overwhelmed convention center and you’d be about 1/1oth of the way there.

This was an exhibition of some of the most passionate and dedicated fans I think I’ve ever seen. When you walk through the crowd it’s like this: Storm Trooper, guy dressed like Captain America, Storm Trooper, guy dressed like Spider-Man, goth chick, Storm Trooper, another goth chick–OH MY GOD IT’S JENSEN ACKLES! Sort of like that.

In short, I loved it. These are my people! The geek shall inherit the earth!

I had a genuine purpose and that was to be on a Panel at the Con. Which I was. I have a picture right here of me Comic Con Panel by you.sitting next to the fabulous MaryElizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore who served as Moderator. I was on the panel with my good buddy and international superstar, New York Time Best Selling author, who will rock the world with his upcoming book, Christopher Moore. As usual he was funny and smart and entertaining and I was pleased to ride on his coattails.

After Comic Con I went to San Francisco to do some other stuff. When I got home, I had to talk to the producer of the audio version of The Youngest Templar. When she told me the name of the narrator, an actor named Paul Boehmer, I immediately looked him up on and was thrilled to find out that PAUL BOEHMER HAS BEEN ON BOTH STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE AND STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE! OH. MY. GOD. And he is narrating my audio book! I might just faint.

In other news, artist Layne Johnson has signed up to illustrate my upcoming picture book OFF LIKE THE WIND! The Story of the Pony Express. I’ve always loved his work and I’m thrilled we’re going to be working together on this project!

More later!

Your authorness

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