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Inning #8: Baseball Season!

It’s here! Baseball From A to Z is now in stores! For many people the long winter days are over and springtime means BASEBALL! (And if you are still in your down coat, just pull out the old mitt, oil it up, and let the sweet smell of leather remind you of a summer day.)

I remember little league games followed by mugs of root beer at the A&W. Sitting in the stands at Tiger Stadium in 1984 when nearly every game was sold out. Who doesn’t thrill at the one of a kind sound of the crack as ball meets bat right on the sweet spot. (And if you ask me, there ought to be a constitutional amendment against aluminum bats!).

I invite you to visit Baseball From A to Z for an inside look at some of the art for the book, by a truly gifted illustrator, Macky Pamintuan. And tell me in a comment below something, anything – that the coming of springtime makes you yearn for. I’ll give away a copy of The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail to a randomly selected commenter. Or share this post on Facebook or Myspace and you can be doubly entered (make sure to pop back and tell me you posted to Fbk or MSp).

Play Ball!

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