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My first Blog Post at

Seems like everyone is blogging these days. When I redesigned my website, everybody said ‘you have to have a blog!’

‘Okay!’ I said.

Followed by, ‘what’s a blog?’

I mean I know what a blog is. Theoretically.

But I have to admit that I’m beginning to think that the world has gone a little blog crazy. I mean the other day, I saw an ad for some electronic device and there was a ballerina describing how she used the device to record photos and upload them to her blog from backstage ‘DURING A PERFORMANCE!’ I thought my head would explode. I mean, come on! Do we really need that much information?

Still, I can see the value of blogs. I mean essentially they are a method of communicating with an audience. As a writer I can respond to that. And so I see the value of communicating regularly with my readers through this space. But I’m not going to go crazy about it. I will try to update it regularly (most every Tuesday or thereabouts). I will let you in on the latest news about my books, where I might be appearing and the things about the world that interest me.

What things? You ask.

Well, I like books. Not just my own, but I read a lot and I like to talk about books I like. I like movies and a few television shows and I’ll talk about things I’ve watched that have moved, inspired or infuriated me. Heck, I might even let you in on how my fantasy football team is doing! (Not well!)

So I hope you’ll come back each week and spend a few minutes communicating with me. And I hope you’ll let me know about your views on blogs. Which ones do you read regularly? Are there any out there you think I should know about? What do you think I can do to make my blog stand out from all the rest and compel you to visit it each week? I can’t wait to hear what you think.

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