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How many times have you uttered a phrase or quip and said “That ought to be on a t-shirt!” Personally I know I’ve said it at least 3,678 times in my lifetime. Trust me. I keep track of these things. And since illustrator Jeff Weigel and I have started collaborating on our Zombie books, we’ve found a lot of the designs and phrases from our books cry out for a t-shirt.

And that’s where Nerdtastic Designs comes in. We’ve created a little spin-off company that creates t-shirts from some of the best illustrations from our books. Plus a few others that we’ve come up with along the way that we just think are darn funny. 

So, take a moment to check out all of our designs including our newest, the Mt. Rushmore “Zombie Nation” design and of course our extremely popular Civil War Buff designs. All of them are unique, fun and quirky. The perfect gift for that hard to buy for unique fun, quirky person that you need to buy a gift for. You know who I’m talking about.

The best part is, you can take your favorite design, and with our print on demand technology you can have a t-shirt in just about any size and with over dozens of colors to choose from! It’s like Build-A-Bear only with t-shirts!

Watch for a Nerdtastic Designs Website soon but in the meantime:

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Michael P. Spradlin

Also don’t forget we have Zombie themed Christmas Cards too! Visit for details!

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