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It’s been almost a month since my first two books of 2008, Texas Rangers: Legendary Lawmen and Spy Goddess: The Chase for the Chalice went on sale. It’s been a very busy few weeks of sending out postcards and emails and blogging and myspaceing and all the other things an author needs to do to reach an audience. But one of the great things about the Internet is you tend to get immediate feedback from fans. Some of the emails I get are so good, I like to share them. So let’s get to it.

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

I love the Spy Goddess novels. I have already read the new manga SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE. Will there be a third novel in a regular format?

Signed Anxiously Waiting,

Dear Anxiously,

As of right now, there will not be a new Spy Goddess novel. The story and the characters in the manga pick up right where SPY GODDESS: To Hawaii with Love left off. It was the only way the series was going to continue. I would love to write more Spy Goddess novels but the marketplace has voted and the publisher has been unwilling to continue the series in novel format. So what do we do?


2) Get all of your friends to buy and read SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE.

3) Get all of their friends to buy and read SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE.

 If the manga becomes very popular we might convince the publisher to try new novels. But for now we live on Mangafied.

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

I love Friday Night Lights too and I’m glad it’s coming back for a third season.  What other TV shows are you watching this year?

Signed Tivo Diva,

Dear Diva,

Right now I’m watching the third season of Battlestar Galatica on DVD. It’s one of the best written shows on television and the cast is phenomenal. There is not a weak actor or character in the entire show and that’s extremely difficult to pull off for such a large ensemble cast.  I’m also a huge fan of SUPERNATURAL and can’t wait for it to return with new episodes.

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

Will Spy Goddess ever be made into a movie?

Signed S. Spielberg

Dear S.

Well we can all hope and say a prayer. The books have not been optioned yet. During the Hollywood writer’s strike I had calls and inquiries from about a half dozen producers, some of them attached to very big films and studios, but so far no takers. Let’s keep hoping though.

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

If you had your choice would you rather have Spy Goddess  become a movie or a TV Show?

Signed Ned Wurkexecutive

Dear Ned,

Truth be told I would probably flip out if either one happened. But if I had a choice, I honestly think the books are better suited to a TV audience than a movie. I think it would be very hard to condense the books down to a two hour movie. With a TV show you can tell more of the story and develop arcs that you can’t in a film. So that’d be cool. Joss Whedon? I’m waiting for your call!

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

I love your books! What are you writing now!

Signed Your Biggest Fan

Dear Biggest Fan,

Well you are obviously a reader of discerning taste and great intellect! Right now I am working on the final book in The Youngest Templar trilogy. I’m also working on another novel that I hope to show to some publishers soon, but the topic is a secret. I’m also developing the story arc for the third Spy Goddess Manga. So my plate is full.

That’s all for this week. I’ll be in Bologna, Italy next week so no new blog. I’ll be attending the Bologna International Book Fair. My new novel, The Youngest Templar, has already sold in seven countries and we’ll be hosting a party for all of the foreign publishers and agents. It’s going to be a thrill for me to be at the biggest Children’s Book Fair in the world! So I’ll update you on all the details when I get back! Ciao!

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