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More Knightfall and The Youngest Templar


Episode 2

What do the Youngest Templar and the New History Channel series Knightfall have in common? Quite a bit.

The Youngest Templar is set during the third crusade and Richard the Lionheart’s fight for the Holy Land. Knightfall takes place in the late 1200-1300s and shows the Order in decline. Indeed, Philip and Pope Clement will scheme to destroy the Knights Templar.

Still, even though it is a different period in their history, readers of The Youngest Templar will find many common themes and settings.

What to do with Godfrey’s sword?

Landry is um, close with the queen, Philip the Fair’s wife Joan. Could this be the reason for Philip’s desire to destroy the Templars?

The destruction of the Knights Templar was fraught with betrayal and intrigue. This looks like it will lead us up to their imprisonment and condemnation as heretics. In the middle ages, with the church even more powerful than monarchs, an accusation of heresy was more serious than a charge of murder. The penalty was death. Usually by being burned at the stake. Or a red hot poker inserted in a place that is probably you’re least favorite place to have a red hot poker inserted.

Last week I spoke about the costuming for this show. Kudos to the costume designers. The royals are decked out in purple, the color of royalty. And the crimson crosses on the tunics of the Templars are bright like beacons. They also did an excellent job with chain mail. This was the era before plate armor came to be common place, but mail was essential to a Templars protection during battle. You can see the early designs of plate armor on horses, who were strong enough to carry it. It would be a few years before armor could be built that was light enough for men to wear and maneuver in, but strong enough to deflect weapons in close combat.

Young Parsifal, the farm boy who carried the dying Godfrey’s sword to Landry in the first episode, proves to be an action hero. He has to kill to keep from being killed and taking a life impacts him deeply. Landry convinces him they have no time for sorrow. They must leave.

We now realize the Templars are being hunted. It’s done quite well, and hard not to root for these characters. As it turns out, Parsifal has no family so Landry asks him to stay and train to be a knight.

Also, these Templars yell at each other a lot.

Still waiting for Jeremy Renner to show up. There is nothing in his IMBD listing, but all of the pre-publicity for the show said he would be appearing in a couple of episodes. I hope he brings his Hawkeye bow!

Philip the Fair spends a lot of money distracting the nobles and his subjects from the fact that he is broke. Pope Boniface shows up. That just makes it worse. He would like money. He arranges a marriage for Philip’s daughter to try and help Philip out of debt. Women didn’t exactly have a lot of choices in the Middle Ages. Now Philip is in the Pope’s debt. I’m pretty sure that was all part of his plan.

Now, they want the Grail. It went missing on the retreat from Acre. Sinking to the bottom of the sea.

How will they find it?

Does Godfrey’s sword hold the key?

Knightfall airs on The History Channel on Wednesdays at 10pm.

I had my doubts when the show was announced. But so far it’s two episodes in and I’m hooked.

If you’re not familiar with The Youngest Templar visit

Here is the series description.

The Third Crusade. In the Holy Land that the Knights Templar call Outremer, a young squire, born an orphan, is ordered by his Knight to carry a sacred relic to safety. It is the most precious thing in all of Christendom. Men would gladly kill him to possess it. Knights from his own order are driven mad in their quest to have it for themselves. And only he is trusted with this sacred duty.

But every duty has a price. Pursued by evil Knights, Saracens, and secret agents of the King, Tristan will be tested at every turn as he fulfills his mission: return the Holy Grail to England.

Will he succeed? Or will the nefarious forces aligned against him prevent him from fulfilling his duty?

If you’ve seen Knightfall and want to read more about the Templars, The Youngest Templar trilogy is a great place to start!

Until Next Week!

Your authorness

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