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Spy Goddess! Back To The Future!

My very first novel was the intended start of a series. It was called Spy Goddess: Live and Let Shop. It got good reviews. It got an Edgar nomination from the Mystery Writers of America for Best Young Adult mystery. A second book, Spy Goddess: To Hawaii, With Love was published. More good reviews.


A third book was written. I called it Spy Goddess: The Spy Who Totally Had A Crush On Me. I waited for the original publisher to call with an offer for the next book. You see it was supposed to be a series. But they decided not to continue the series. Or else they had a very different definition of series than I did. I think I heard ‘series’ and they heard ‘sequel’. Anyway, they never published any more books. So they are dead to me.

Then a funny thing happened. I started getting fan mail. People started writing to the publisher. They didn’t care. But more fan mail came. And more. And it still comes to this day. Every week I get emails and letters from young readers wanting to know when I will ‘make the next Spy Goddess’ book. Well, unfortunately I   don’t get to control that.SPYGHaw

But I am pleased to announce that both Spy Goddess: Live And Let Shop and Spy Goddess: To Hawaii, With Love are now available in spiffy new eBook editions from Open Road Integrated Media. Find your favorite eBook seller and order your copies now. (Stay tuned for details on how to get a print edition on demand soon!)

And sign up for my newsletter! Because in April, Open Road will be publishing Spy Goddess: The Spy Who Totally Had A Crush On Me. The third book that I self-published (I figur

ed what the heck, it was already written). It’s updated, and has a new epilogue. (So it’s almost like a whole new book! Kidding! I kid! It’s what I do. But there IS a new epilogue).



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Your authorness,

Michael P. Spradlin

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