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TEMPLAR TUESDAY: Going to the Chapel

In two days The Youngest Templar: Trail of Fate goes on sale. If you haven’t yet I hope you’ll take an opportunity to visit your local bookseller and pre-order a copy. If you haven’t yet, please take a gander at the sneak peek here. And remember, it’s a sequel to The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail (now available in a reasonably priced paperback edition, I’m just saying) so no spoilers if you please!

Great reviews continue to tumble in for The Youngest Templar: Trail of Fate. The reviewer at Reader Views Kids had this to say: I highly recommend “The Youngest Templar: Trail of Fate” to people who like action, adventure and historical fiction.  Totally full of action and adventure, this was a real page turner that I am not going to forget.  It sweeps you in from the very first page and you won’t want to put it down until you finish it.

This week Templar Tuesday takes a look at some of the mysteries surrounding Rosslyn Cathedral, the so called “Grail” Cathedral in Scotland. If you saw the movie The Da Vinci Code, you know the role played by the Cathedral in Grail Legend. Our friends at have an interesting article surrounding some of the myths and legends of this famous building:

Recent popular books have put forth theories that the treasures this 15th century structure may contain include: the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, the lost teaching of Jesus; even one author went so far as to suggest the mummified head of Christ Himself. Very soon these speculations may finally be put to rest and a five-century-old puzzle solved.

A group of Scottish Knights Templar, led by John Ritchie, whom many Masons will be familiar with from his many television documentary appearances, is about to make a “non-invasive” survey of the land around the chapel. Using the latest ultrasound and thermal imaging technology, the group shall soon conduct tests in the hope of finding evidence of the existence of the legendary vaults so often rumored to exist under and around the chapel.

“The plan is to investigate the land around the chapel to a depth of at least 20ft,” said Mr. Ritchie, Grand Herald and spokesman for the Knights Templar in a recent interview with the Scottish press.

Ritchie informed the press that the machine they will use is the most sophisticated in the world and can take readings up to a mile beneath the surface.

Rosslyn Chapel is also known by the name of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Matthew and was built in 1446 by Sir William St. Clair, the third and last Prince of Orkney. Among the many intricate carvings found in the chapel is the depiction of cacti and sweet corn, carved decades before Columbus’ famed voyage of 1492. Indeed legend has it; and fairly well documented legend at that, that Henry St. Clair voyaged to America in 1398, a full century ahead of Columbus’ voyage, which never made it to North American soil.

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