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The Hurrier I Go, The Behinder I Get…

It has been a nutty few weeks here at Team Spradlin World Headquarters. Or as I like to call it TSWH. I’ve been traveling all over this great land attending events and promoting the recent release of The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail. From South Dakota, to New York, to Missouri, back to Michigan and I soon leave for Colorado, Ohio and Kentucky. While I find the travel a lot harder than it used to be, it’s still exhilarating to be on the road in support of your own book. It beats any other job I’ve ever had hands down. So as Mr. T. used to say, “I’ll take the pain!” (in the photo at right, you’ll see me participating in a ‘play’ with three of my author friends, Barbara Robinson, David Harrison and Sandy Asher at the Literature Festival of the Ozarks. Somehow I was cast as the obnoxious bully! I just don’t get it!)Literature Festival of the Ozarks

But the travel has made it very difficult to keep up with the blog and for that I apologize. I’ve been revising a couple of books and had other deadlines to deal with and to be truthful, I sometimes find a 500 word blog post to be immensely more challenging than a 60,000 word novel. I’m not sure why that is. Trying to be relevant and pithy in so short a space is just beyond my writerly gifts I guess.

However there is some news you should know about. This week, all week long, as in every day, I will be guest blogging at the Penguin USA blog post. You can check it out here. All week long I’ll be talking about writing and researching The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail. That’s right. Every single day. A whole new blog. No problem. Really.

I’ll also be appearing at the upcoming Ohio and Kentucky book-fairs. And shortly I’ll be writing about a wonderful event that I just attended at my hometown library in Homer, Michigan. A great day with tremendous support from a wonderful community. But I need some time to digest all of the thoughts and feelings about the day before I write about it. So stay tuned!

As always, thanks for reading!

Your authorness,


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