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The Youngest Templar Is Up and Running…

No, not the real Youngest Templar. He can’t run because, well, he’s fictional. But you can visit his brand new spiffy website at There is a lot of information there about the book, the history of the Knights Templar, some links and other cool stuff so I hope you’ll check it out.

As I write this post I’m in a hotel room in San Diego with a really balky Internet connection so this won’t be a long one. I’m off tomorrow for more business related travel but next week I plan to fill you in on my trip to San Diego Comic Con International this past weekend. I had the great pleasure to speak on a panel at the Con with some other fantastic writers including my bud Chris Moore and it was a blast. In fact I have two words to describe the convention. In. Sane.

So there will be more on that later. Meanwhile I hope you’ll check out and have a wonderful day!

I’m just sayin’

Your authorness.

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