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Why Is September The Perfect Month?

What is so special about September 18th you ask? Well if you are a regular reader of this blog then you know that is the date that The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail goes on sale. Yes, on September 18th our long national nightmare will at last be over.

As with all of the books I’ve written, I’ve found the last few weeks before it goes on sale to be the most nerve wracking. You wait for the reviews to come in. The days seem to drag. You obsessively check your rankings at the online booksellers (hey, I just jumped 342 spots! Whoo hoo!) Sometimes you even begin to wonder if it’s all worth it. But when you have the finished book in your hand, you know that it was and is. All the effort and time and sweat and revision was worth it. The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail

So I’m counting down the days! I come up with all kinds of thing to keep me distracted until the 18th arrives. Reading about all the new fall TV shows. Drafting my fantasy football teams. Checking my rankings at the online booksellers. Oops. Said that already!

Anyway, I’ve always loved September. It’s the start of autumn, my favorite season. Football starts. I have my birthday. There’s the Labor Day weekend. I was married in September to my wife of 26 years. And now I have a book going on sale.

Yep. Pretty much the perfect month!

 I’m just sayin’

Your authorness

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