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Author: Michael

T-Minus 1 Day and counting….

Hello Faithful Readers!

Tomorrow it’s finally here! The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail is on sale everywhere books are sold! I’m so excited. And I just can’t hide it. I’m about to lose control and I think I like it.

This is what my day was like.

7:32 Get up

7:33 Check Amazon rankings for The Youngest Templar. Rejoice that it is #17 on their list of the top 100 Medieval Books for Children. Does that make me a best-seller? I need a ruling.

7:34 Check rankings on other websites.

7:38 Check Amazon rankings.

7:45-10:11 Refresh Amazon page continuously.

11:00-3pm LunchChristopher Moore and Michael Spradlin

3:01 Check Amazon rankings.

3:02-3:04 Work on revisions of Book 2

3:05-7:58 Check Amazon rankings.

As you can see I have had a very hectic day

I’ve been busily guest blogging and being interviewed on a variety of websites today. So here are some links:                                                  Chris Moore & Mike Spradlin

Go to and click on his blog to see a hilarious interview that the world’s funniest author guy did with me.

Tomorrow visit for an interview about The Youngest Templar. You can also win a signed first edition of SPY GODDESS: Live and Let Shop.

Visit for a guest blog I wrote on why boys need book club love too! You can also win a signed first edition of SPY GODDESS: Live and Let Shop.

So that’s it for now. See  you in the bookstores!                                           

Your authorness

Kids Do The Darndest Things and T-Minus Three Days and Counting…

My children surprise me every day. My son and daughter are both bright, loving and wonderful kids. I’m sure every parent would say the same thing. Yet each day they say or do something which leaves me shaking my head in wonderment at how I got so lucky. I will say right now, most it has to do with my wife. She is the best mother in the entire history of mothers. I’m not discounting the role of fathers. Don’t misunderstand me. I’ve rocked my kids to sleep and changed their diapers and kissed their boo boos and helped them with their science fair projects and all the many things good parents do. I’m no different than anyone else. But for many years my job required me to travel a great deal and the burden of primary caregiver fell to my wife. Lucky for them she was an expert at it. And I’ve got two wonderful children to show for all of her hard work.

So I’ve known how lucky I am kidswise, but then my birthday rolls around and both my kids just rock me.

First, my son and I attended San Diego Comic-Con together this summer. We had a blast. We found our people. We bought stupid t-shirts. We saw stuff you won’t see anywhere else. It was special for me because my son is an adult now, living on his own in another state. Time together is rare, and the fact we were together doing something we both love just made the weekend that much better. Templar T-shirts by you.

So he sends me my birthday gift and I open it up and what do I find? That he’s taken hours and hours of his time and put together a Comic Con scrapbook. All of the giveaways, the bumper-stickers and other paraphernalia put together in a memory book for me. I’m not ashamed to say I cried. It was one of the best birthday gifts he’s ever given me.

Then my sixteen year old daughter cooks up a scheme. She takes a cover image of my newest book The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail. (On sale September 18, wherever books are sold, I’m just sayin’) and has about 15 t-shirts made up. She gives them out to all of her friends and they will all be wearing them to school on Thursday, the official on sale day. What a kid. They all show up at my house wearing the t-shirts to pose for pictures. Only my daughter could pull this off. That’s all I could really say over and over. When I wasn’t busy crying buckets. What a kid. My Daughter and MeOnly she could pull this off.

(in the photo above on the right you can see the gang, back row left to right, Lesia, Bristol, Ana, Gabe, Kayla, my daughter, and Jackie. I believe the children are our future).

Whenever I mention to my wife how our kids are always surprising me with something like this, she just smiles and says: “apple meet tree”. Wise woman.

More Templar news…

The countdown continues. Don’t forget that I’ll be guest blogging at tomorrow. New York Times Best-selling Author Elizabeth Boyle will post an interview with me at her site on Thursday September 18th

Also my local paper, The Flint Journal will run an interview in the Wednesday September 17, 2008 edition but it’s already posted on their website so you can read it here.

Now back to trying to breathe normally.

Your authorness.

T-minus 4 Days And Counting…

Hello readers!

I’m on pins and needles. Thursday, September 18th THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail will finally go on sale! I’ll be doing a lot in the next couple of weeks to publicize and promote it. However, if you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ve probably already ordered your copies. So right now, all you need do is order more copies for friends and family, settle in with a warm cup of joe, and read THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR. After that, I’m sure you’re next move will be to log onto all the Internet book review sites and give it five star reviews!

I’m just sayin’ The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail (The Youngest Templar)

Speaking of reviews, one of my favorite websites is run by author Stephen Dafoe who wrote many of the books I used in researching THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR. He is currently reading my novel, and he’s going to post a full review soon, but in the meantime he had this to say to me in an email about what he’d read so far: THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR is “better written than most Templar fiction and more accurate than most Templar nonfiction.” Needless to say I was thrilled! If you’re interested in anything having to do with the Knights Templar I would definitely check out his website and his newest beautiful book, NOBLY BORN: An Illustrated History of the Knights Templar.

Keep checking back to this space for updates this week. On Wednesday, September 17th I’ll be guest blogging at and on September 18th, my friend and fellow author Christopher Moore will be posting his hilarious interview of me at or if you’re a myspace user, Also, if you haven’t visited for more exciting details about the book, what are you waiting for?

I’ve also added a whole slew of new events to the events page!

Hope to see you somewhere out there! And thanks again for your continued support.

My best,

Your authorness.

I’m Seeing Stars….

Good day to you readers. We interrupt our work on the revisions of the second Youngest Templar novel, to bring you some breaking news. As you know, The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail goes on sale next week. September 18 to be exact. And I am. Being exact, I mean. As such reviews are starting to come in. Today, we received the following STARRED REVIEW from Kliatt. I’ll turn the rest of the blog over to the reviewer now…

* Michael P. Keeper of the Grail. (The Youngest Templar, Book One.) Penguin, Putnam. 249 p. c2008. 978-0-399-24763-7. $17.99.

The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the GrailStarred Review
This is a winner! The Holy Grail, the Knights Templar, even Rosslyn might remind readers of The Da Vinci Code, of course, and Spradlin might be having some fun playing on that familiarity. The setting is 1191. Richard the Lionheart and a young archer from Sherwood Forest named Robard share the story line with the hero and narrator, Tristan. They are in the Holy Land, fighting the Saracens, but also struggling to survive the evil machinations of Sir Hugh, an English knight. Tristan is an orphan, eager to know the details of his heritage. Cistercian monks have lovingly raised him, and as the story begins, Tristan at 15 is invited to accompany Sir Thomas, a Knight Templar, to the Crusades. Sir Thomas and others appear to recognize Tristan, but his true identity is not revealed in this first in the series. What happens, and what is so appealing abut the story, is endless action – attacks, escapes, suspense and camaraderie. There’s wit throughout, and readers are fully committed to liking Tristan and being excited about his life and his world, so different from our own. The whole Christian-Arab conflict is tamped down, by the way – with the true villains fellow Christians in Tristan’s experience, and the introduction of Maryam, an Arab, who by the end of the book has become a sympathetic character, leaving with Tristan (entrusted with the Holy Grail – no, not Mary Magdalene’s child) and Robard to sail back to England and safety. We’ll see. Terrific adventure, which even younger YAs can follow as they learn something about a totally different world.

~ KLIATT, September 2008

So there you have it! If you haven’t read an excerpt of The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail you can do so right here.

Meanwhile back to work for your authorness!

We Are Officially Counting Down…

Only 12 days to go.

I find myself pacing. Sitting on my hands. Trying to write, trying to focus on anything but the calendar. 12 days until The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail goes on sale.

Reviews are coming in. Booklist praises it for “deadly action” and “uncompromising descriptions” and says “the stirring saga ends with a true cliff-hanger, priming fans for the next installment.” So yay! I’ll have the full review The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail (The Youngest Templar)posted on the site soon.

Also, if you haven’t yet, please visit The Youngest Templar website at and check out all the reviews and praise and keep an eye on the countdown clock.

September 18th. It’s almost here.

Back to pacing. (Um…unless my agent and editor are reading this post in which case I meant to say back to writing!)


Your authorness

Why Is September The Perfect Month?

What is so special about September 18th you ask? Well if you are a regular reader of this blog then you know that is the date that The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail goes on sale. Yes, on September 18th our long national nightmare will at last be over.

As with all of the books I’ve written, I’ve found the last few weeks before it goes on sale to be the most nerve wracking. You wait for the reviews to come in. The days seem to drag. You obsessively check your rankings at the online booksellers (hey, I just jumped 342 spots! Whoo hoo!) Sometimes you even begin to wonder if it’s all worth it. But when you have the finished book in your hand, you know that it was and is. All the effort and time and sweat and revision was worth it. The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail

So I’m counting down the days! I come up with all kinds of thing to keep me distracted until the 18th arrives. Reading about all the new fall TV shows. Drafting my fantasy football teams. Checking my rankings at the online booksellers. Oops. Said that already!

Anyway, I’ve always loved September. It’s the start of autumn, my favorite season. Football starts. I have my birthday. There’s the Labor Day weekend. I was married in September to my wife of 26 years. And now I have a book going on sale.

Yep. Pretty much the perfect month!

 I’m just sayin’

Your authorness

I Like To Call This Kind of Blog–News and Notes!

As usual I’ve been busy the last couple of weeks. As we get closer to the publication date of THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail (on sale September 18th, wherever books are sold! I’m just sayin’) there is a lot happening. A lot of moving and shaking. A lot of buzz. A lot of hype. A lot of bobbing and weaving. So I’ve been a little late with posts. So let me fill you in.

First I went to Comic Con in San Diego. I had heard about Comic Con in San Diego but I had never actually been there. I have two words to say about the experience. In. Sane. I find myself struggling to describe it and unless you’ve been there, it’s very hard to paint a visual picture. Imagine 125,000 of the biggest fan boys, geeks, goths, people who like to dress up in their favorite Star Wars costumes, geeks, Joss Whedon, Star Trek nerds, comic book writers and collectors of every stripe, all jammed into an overwhelmed convention center and you’d be about 1/1oth of the way there.

This was an exhibition of some of the most passionate and dedicated fans I think I’ve ever seen. When you walk through the crowd it’s like this: Storm Trooper, guy dressed like Captain America, Storm Trooper, guy dressed like Spider-Man, goth chick, Storm Trooper, another goth chick–OH MY GOD IT’S JENSEN ACKLES! Sort of like that.

In short, I loved it. These are my people! The geek shall inherit the earth!

I had a genuine purpose and that was to be on a Panel at the Con. Which I was. I have a picture right here of me Comic Con Panel by you.sitting next to the fabulous MaryElizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore who served as Moderator. I was on the panel with my good buddy and international superstar, New York Time Best Selling author, who will rock the world with his upcoming book, Christopher Moore. As usual he was funny and smart and entertaining and I was pleased to ride on his coattails.

After Comic Con I went to San Francisco to do some other stuff. When I got home, I had to talk to the producer of the audio version of The Youngest Templar. When she told me the name of the narrator, an actor named Paul Boehmer, I immediately looked him up on and was thrilled to find out that PAUL BOEHMER HAS BEEN ON BOTH STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE AND STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE! OH. MY. GOD. And he is narrating my audio book! I might just faint.

In other news, artist Layne Johnson has signed up to illustrate my upcoming picture book OFF LIKE THE WIND! The Story of the Pony Express. I’ve always loved his work and I’m thrilled we’re going to be working together on this project!

More later!

Your authorness

The Youngest Templar Is Up and Running…

No, not the real Youngest Templar. He can’t run because, well, he’s fictional. But you can visit his brand new spiffy website at There is a lot of information there about the book, the history of the Knights Templar, some links and other cool stuff so I hope you’ll check it out.

As I write this post I’m in a hotel room in San Diego with a really balky Internet connection so this won’t be a long one. I’m off tomorrow for more business related travel but next week I plan to fill you in on my trip to San Diego Comic Con International this past weekend. I had the great pleasure to speak on a panel at the Con with some other fantastic writers including my bud Chris Moore and it was a blast. In fact I have two words to describe the convention. In. Sane.

So there will be more on that later. Meanwhile I hope you’ll check out and have a wonderful day!

I’m just sayin’

Your authorness.

Why Is Daniel Boone Running?

Good question!

Ol’ Dan’l is running because he wants to be one of the first to arrive at his local bookstore to pick up a copy of Daniel Boone’s Great Escape which is now on sale. He knows that if he isn’t quick, they will all be sold out and he doesn’t want to be disappointed.

The thing is, Ol’ Dan’l is pretty quick. You see Daniel Boone’s Great Escape tells the true story of how Boone ran 160 miles in just four days time to escape captivity. So if you’re going to beat him you’d better get started!

I’m just sayin!

More Raves For The Youngest Templar!

THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail got another rave quote from New York Times Bestselling author T. Jefferson Parker. I’m completely in awe, because Jeff is one of my all time favorite writers. (If you’ve never read him, pick up a copy of Silent Joe and you’ll instantly want to read every word the man has written).  So when one of my personal heroes gives me a great quote, well, it’s a little humbling. You can read what he had to say on the Templar page.

Also, I’m learning a little more about the manga world everyday and if you follow this link, you’ll see that some has created a really cool Spy Goddess shrine on Wow.

And don’t forget, on Tuesday July 22, my newest Picture Book DANIEL BOONE’S GREAT ESCAPE goes on sale. Wherever books are sold.

I’m just sayin’