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Author: Michael


New York Times best-selling author James Rollins has just released his newest novel The Last Oracle. I’m sure it it going to rocket right to the top of all the bestseller lists around the country. I love Jim’s books. They’re full of action, adventure, a dash of science usually coupled with some ancient mystery and they definitely meet my “stuff must blow up” criteria. The Last Oracle by James Rollins

What I’ve learned about Jim over the years is that he suffers for his art. He scuba dives. He spelunks. He personally does a lot of stuff his characters experience in his books. That’s probably why you get that real ‘you are there’ sense from reading them. In fact, a certain Hollywood producer was so smitten by Jim’s work, that he hired him to write the novelization of his latest big screen epic. You might have heard of it. It was a little film called Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Knowing that we share an interest in action, adventure, zombies and explosions, what else do you think that I, your humble authorness, have in common with James Rollins?

Give up?

We both love my new book THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail!

Here is what Jim had to say about it:

“A masterful blend of whimsical fantasy, spellbinding suspense, and historical mystery, read it before a crackling fire and allow it to sweep you away into another world and time. A classic adventure in the making, not to be missed!”

That’s right! James Rollins my peeps! Feeling The Youngest Templar love!

See you next week!

Your authorness.


One of the coolest things about writing and publishing THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail (on sale September 18th and now available for pre-order at most online booksellers I’m just sayin’) has been the sales to foreign publishers. When I was in Bologna a few months ago, I got to meet several of the editors and publishers from each of the companies and it was a thrill to hear about their enthusiasm for my work. I never had any idea when I wrote THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail (on sale September 18th and now available for pre-order at most online booksellers I’m just sayin’) that I would sell it in even one foreign country, let alone seven so far. Not to mention audio rights to Random House!

The Youngest TemplarStill, as a veteran of the publishing industry it’s interesting to me to see how much alike and different publishing abroad is compared to publishing here in the United States. I’ve been so impressed with each companies approach and enthusiasm. But in particular my German publisher Klopp has been amazing. They’ve designed a beautiful cover, they’ve had me do a video interview and they’ve created a super cool book trailer! Which you can watch! Right here! On this blog! Isn’t the Internet amazing? Thanks Al Gore!

I can only tell you that it’s beyond thrilling to have all of these companies so excited about my book.

I’ve mentioned earlier how much buzz is building for THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail(on sale September 18th and now available for pre-order at most online booksellers I’m just sayin’) and it just keeps going. So I hope you’ll watch the trailer a few dozen times, email a link to a few hundred friends and then circle the date September 18th on your calendar!

I’m just sayin’.

Peace. Out


So this weekend I was in the City of Angels (that’s Los Angeles, California for those of you who don’t know that the City of Angels and Los Angeles are one and the same) to attend the annual Book Expo America which is the largest publishing event in the world. As my friend Chris Moore says, “every year publishers and booksellers get together in an agreed upon city to eat, drink, and discuss why the book business is going to h-e-double hockey sticks in a handbasket.”

This was my twenty fourth year in a row of attending the BEA. I really enjoy it. It’s a good chance to meet and talk with authors, learn about the gazillion new books that are being published in the coming year and of course to go to a lot of fancy parties. I also had a wonderful time signing advance readers editions of my new novel The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail, which goes on sale September 18th, in case I haven’t mentioned that.

But the real attraction of BEA is not the celebration of books or authors. It’s not the realization that as a published author you are at the center of the publishing world and bringing art and culture to the masses. No. The real purpose of BEA is of course, meeting celebrities!

And of course, since BEA was in LA this year, the celebrity quotient was dramatically increased. Here were my personal highlights:

1. Meeting and having my picture taken with Maureen McCormick. That’s right! Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!

2. Meeting Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons and getting his business card which has Homer’s face on it.

3. Meeting and getting Slash to autograph a tiny picture book. (And I can’t believe how cool he was!)

4. Meeting Kevin Nealon and realizing that he is even taller in person.

5. Having Jan Brett, yes the Jan Brett, author of about a zillion books tell me how much she liked the cover of The Youngest Templar.

6. Hanging out with my author buddies.

So there you have it. My close encounters with fame and fortune. It was quite a week and my head is still spinning.

So I’d like to know what kinds of brushes with celebrities have you had? Write back and let me know!

Peace. Out.


So you know, I have may have mentioned it once or twice, but I’ve got a big new novel going on sale wherever books are sold on September 18, 2008. It’s called THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail. (You can read a sneak peak and enter the contest on the contest page!). The book has sold in seven countries and will also be published as an audio book from Listening Library. Buzz.

As they say in the book business, THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR is getting a lot of buzz. Unlike that annoying buzzing sound in your radio when the station isn’t quite coming in, buzz for a book is a good thing. It means that people are talking about it. Reading it. Waiting for it it to come out. Which will on September 18, 2008. In fact, if this book were getting any more buzz, I’m afraid I might turn into a bee. Buzz.

THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail is a book that is right in the wheelhouse of the books that kids are reading today. Think Ranger’s Apprentice or The Olympian’s series by Rick Riordan. It’s a historical action-adventure novel, that is set during the third crusade, when King Richard the Lionheart attempted to take back the Holy Land from the Saladin. The story centers around Tristan, an orphan of mysterious origin, left on the steps of a monastery as a babe. Living out his life at the quiet abbey, he yearns to see the world and find out what he can about his past.

One night a regimento of Knights Templar stop to rest at the Abbey and Sir Thomas Leux asks Tristan to become his squire. It’s the opportunity Tristan has been waiting for. He joins the Templars and with Sir Thomas as his teacher learns his role as a squire to a knight. With Sir Thomas he travels to the Holy Land. There, during a critical battle when the Templars are about to be overrun, Sir Thomas entrusts Tristan with the Holy Grail. He tells him that Tristan must return the Grail safely to England. So begins Tristan’s quest to fulfill his duty.

As with all of my novels, there is a ton of action, narrow escapes, epic battles and the perequiste stuff blowing up. It’s fast paced, exciting and the kind of book I loved to read when I was twelve. So when September 18, 2008 rolls around I’m hoping you’ll check it out. Heck, if you want to pre-order a copy now, be my guest.

But (and talk about burying the lead!) you don’t need to take just my word for it. New York Times Best-Selling author Meg Cabot (yes! The Meg Cabot!) had this to say about THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail:

“Adventure quest at it’s best! Readers will be dying for the next installment! Tristan is a hero to remember.”


Just sayin’


Okay, so I’ve been a little bit remiss in posting recently. I could come up with a lot of excuses including but not limited to two solid weeks on the road, balky Internet connections and the most wicked case of bronchitis ever, but what would be the point? Blogging is as blogging does. If you can’t do the blog, don’t do the….blog. Or whatever.

Anyhoo, I thought I’d fill you in on just a few random things I did and saw in the last couple of weeks, before I take off tomorrow to attend the International Reading Association Convention in Atlanta. Incidentally if you are attending the IRA convention (and no IRA does not stand for Irish Republican Army) I’ll be doing a bunch of appearances there to sign books so see the end of this post for the details (but don’t skip over to the end, read the middle part first!).

So first I went to Texas. It was the first time I’d ever been to the Texas Library Association convention. Them Texas Librarians! Are they ever friendly and do they ever love their Texas books! My signing of TEXAS RANGERS: LEGENDARY LAWMEN was spectacular and I thought it was a great show all the way around. I’ll definitely be going back.

From Texas I went to New York City for New York Comic Con. Wow. Where to even begin? This is my second time at NYCC and it was another great weekend getting in touch with my inner nerd. I saw so many cool things and sicomiccon4.jpggned a lot of books. The coolest thing though was the Penguin Young Readers Group banner at their booth that had the cover artwork for THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail right there in the middle. (By the way, the book is now available for pre-order on I’m just sayin’!) All I can say is that Penguin Young Readers Group rocks! I had a great time hanging out in the booth and signing Advanced Readers Editions of the novel.

comiccon3.jpgThe thing I love about Comic Con is that you see things there you won’t ever see anywhere else. Some highlights:                                                       

1) The ‘light saber’ competition at the rear of the convention center with real judges like in a martial arts competition. I half expected to see Daniel LaRussa and Johnny and the rest of his Cobra Kai minions square off. You almost couldn’t tear yourself away from it.

2) I saw seven women dressed as Princess Leia from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

3) Almost every booth has a ‘booth babe’ an exceedingly beautiful woman whose sole purpose is to engage geeks in conversation and get them to buy stuff. What was funny this time is I saw a guy dressed in a Wolverine costume trying every move he knew (which apparently was about three moves, tops) to pick up a booth babe. Buddy, here’s a hint: YOU’RE DRESSED AS WOLVERINE! UNLESS YOU ALSO HAPPEN TO BE HUGH JACKMAN YOU HAVE NO SHOT!

4) A super cool Green Arrow statue. In the words of Napoleon Dynamite “I want that!”

It was almost too much fun and I’ve heard that San Diego Comic Con is even bigger and geekier so I can’t wait for that one come July.

From New York, a three day side trip to Orlando for other business, and then I was in Los Angeles for the LA Time Festival of Books. This is one of my most favorite events of the year. Held on the beautiful UCLA Campus it’s a gorgeous celebration of books and book lovers. Despite heat in triple digits it was a fun day and I can’t wait to go back again next year.

Then I came home and after two weeks in hotels and on airplanes breathing germy air, I got sick. So that’s my excuse for not posting for the last couple of weeks. Not to mention that in between all of that I had to get some writing done. 

So that’s it. Off to IRA. If you’re attending I’ll be signing at the Walker Booth on Monday May 5th from 4-4:30pm. And on Wednesday I’ll be signing at Anderson Bookshops from 10-11am, HarperCollins from 12-12:30 pm and Penguin Young Readers Group from 1:30-2pm. So if you’re attending the show during one of these times, please stop by and say hello!

Hope to see you there!


Bon journo!

I’ve just returned from attending the Children’s Book Fair in Bologna, Italy. For those of you who may not be familiar with the fair, it’s the largest celebration of Children’s Books in the world. Publishers from all of the world meet to sell rights to their titles back and forth. It’s a tremendously energetic show and it was a thrill for me to be there.

Why was I there you ask? That’s a very good question and I’m glad you asked it. Really I am. p3070085.JPG

I was in Bologna to celebrate the upcoming publication of my new novel THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail which will be published (please pause for a moment to mark this date in all Google, Yahoo, Outlook and Aol calendars) on September 18 by G.P. Putnam Sons. THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail has been purchased by seven countries so far and audio rights have been sold to Listening Library (a division of Random House). So my agent, Steven Chudney, or as I now refer to him, Supreme Commander, hosted a very lovely cocktail party and invited all of the foreign publishers and the foreign agents and scouts who worked on the book to attend.

It was a thrilling night. I met all of the foreign publishers and editors and had a wonderful time listening to and appreciating their enthusiasm for THE YOUNGEST TEMPLAR: Keeper of the Grail. For about two hours I felt like I was J.K. Rowling or something. It was so delightful to see their genuine enthusiasm and to watch them grow more and more excited when I explained to them my plans for books two and three in the YOUNGEST TEMPLAR trilogy. Many of them asked me to return to Europe in the fall to help them launch the book. To which I responded “‘kay!”

I’ve come home tired but at the same time energized by the response I received to my work in Italy. When things like that happen it only inspires me to work harder. To try to write better, more meaningful books. It was probably one of the most thrilling experiences of my writing career so far and I hope I have a chance to return there someday.

Of course the trip wasn’t all work. We had a chance to visit Florence and Venice on day trips and we also spent some time in Bologna which is a beautiful city in itself. In fact my wife and daughter managed to witness a political rally, complete with police in riot gear and every thing! In short we had a blast, and I would take a trip back there anytime. The food is fantastic and the Italian people are wonderful, warm and friendly. After Canada, Italy is my totally favorite foreign country!

About the only downside of my visit to Bologna is that I never got to meet Oscar Meyer. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Some other odds and ends…

Just a reminder to all my Texas Librarian friends that I will be attending The Texas Library Association meeting in Dallas next week. I’ll be signing copies of TEXAS RANGERS: LEGENDARY LAWMEN at the Walker & Company booth (#1335) on Wednesday April 16th from 11am to 12 noon.) So please be sure to stop by and say hi.

Also, I’ll be signing SPY GODDESS: CHASE FOR THE CHALICE at New York Comic Con on April 19th from 2-2:30 at the HarperCollins booth. Hope to see you there!


It’s been almost a month since my first two books of 2008, Texas Rangers: Legendary Lawmen and Spy Goddess: The Chase for the Chalice went on sale. It’s been a very busy few weeks of sending out postcards and emails and blogging and myspaceing and all the other things an author needs to do to reach an audience. But one of the great things about the Internet is you tend to get immediate feedback from fans. Some of the emails I get are so good, I like to share them. So let’s get to it.

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

I love the Spy Goddess novels. I have already read the new manga SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE. Will there be a third novel in a regular format?

Signed Anxiously Waiting,

Dear Anxiously,

As of right now, there will not be a new Spy Goddess novel. The story and the characters in the manga pick up right where SPY GODDESS: To Hawaii with Love left off. It was the only way the series was going to continue. I would love to write more Spy Goddess novels but the marketplace has voted and the publisher has been unwilling to continue the series in novel format. So what do we do?


2) Get all of your friends to buy and read SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE.

3) Get all of their friends to buy and read SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE.

 If the manga becomes very popular we might convince the publisher to try new novels. But for now we live on Mangafied.

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

I love Friday Night Lights too and I’m glad it’s coming back for a third season.  What other TV shows are you watching this year?

Signed Tivo Diva,

Dear Diva,

Right now I’m watching the third season of Battlestar Galatica on DVD. It’s one of the best written shows on television and the cast is phenomenal. There is not a weak actor or character in the entire show and that’s extremely difficult to pull off for such a large ensemble cast.  I’m also a huge fan of SUPERNATURAL and can’t wait for it to return with new episodes.

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

Will Spy Goddess ever be made into a movie?

Signed S. Spielberg

Dear S.

Well we can all hope and say a prayer. The books have not been optioned yet. During the Hollywood writer’s strike I had calls and inquiries from about a half dozen producers, some of them attached to very big films and studios, but so far no takers. Let’s keep hoping though.

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

If you had your choice would you rather have Spy Goddess  become a movie or a TV Show?

Signed Ned Wurkexecutive

Dear Ned,

Truth be told I would probably flip out if either one happened. But if I had a choice, I honestly think the books are better suited to a TV audience than a movie. I think it would be very hard to condense the books down to a two hour movie. With a TV show you can tell more of the story and develop arcs that you can’t in a film. So that’d be cool. Joss Whedon? I’m waiting for your call!

Dear Mr. Spradlin,

I love your books! What are you writing now!

Signed Your Biggest Fan

Dear Biggest Fan,

Well you are obviously a reader of discerning taste and great intellect! Right now I am working on the final book in The Youngest Templar trilogy. I’m also working on another novel that I hope to show to some publishers soon, but the topic is a secret. I’m also developing the story arc for the third Spy Goddess Manga. So my plate is full.

That’s all for this week. I’ll be in Bologna, Italy next week so no new blog. I’ll be attending the Bologna International Book Fair. My new novel, The Youngest Templar, has already sold in seven countries and we’ll be hosting a party for all of the foreign publishers and agents. It’s going to be a thrill for me to be at the biggest Children’s Book Fair in the world! So I’ll update you on all the details when I get back! Ciao!

Another New Book You Should Read

About ten years ago I had the good fortune to read THE LAST DAYS OF SUMMER by Steve Kluger. It’s a truly wonderful novel about a young, fatherless boy in pre-World War II Brooklyn. Lonely and afraid of growing up Joey Margolis begins writing letters to Charlie Banks, the sensational rookie third baseman for the New York Giants. Over time, the two develop one of the most unlikely friendships you will ever find in literature. It’s a book that leaves you laughing, crying and full of wonder and it quickly has become a favorite of both myself and my family.

So I was pleased to pick up a copy of Steve’s newest young adult novel MY MOST EXCELLENT YEAR: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins and Fenway Park. I’ll admit that I approached the book with a bit of trepidation. I don’t know if you’re like me, but there are books I love so much that when an author hits one out of the park, like Steve did with THE LAST DAYS OF SUMMER, there’s a small part of me that’s afraid that their next book won’t measure up. After all, I happen to know a little bit about what it takes to write a book and it’s certainly not easy and LAST DAYS OF SUMMER was so perfect that you’d think a fall off would be inevitable. mymost.jpg

I’m happy to say that in the case of MY MOST EXCELLENT YEAR you’d be wrong.

While it’s clearly different than THE LAST DAYS OF SUMMER and also certainly written for young adults, it’s still a masterpiece. It has all the trademark elements of a Steve Kluger novel. The humor, the unvarnished love of the small things in life and a group of adolescents who are going through the sometimes far too painful process of finding out who and what they are. The characters are wonderfully drawn. T.C. is the motherless boy who falls desperately in love with Alejandra one of the most delightful tough chicks you’ll ever meet in YA fiction. If you don’t enjoy the dance these two undertake to try and avoid falling head over heels for each other, then I can only say that the Grinch must have left coal in your stocking at Christmas time. Then there is Augie, T.C.’s brother in spirit if not blood, struggling with his sexual identity and finding out that even though we may be different from one another, underneath it all we’re all the same.

It’s a truly wonderful romantic comedy and I think you’ll enjoy it regardless of your age. But if you’re looking for a book for older teens that they can identify with, that will tell them that they aren’t alone in trying to figure out some of the hard questions, you could do a whole lot worse than MY MOST EXCELLENT YEAR.


P.S. It now looks that a deal to save FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS for a third season has been reached. Good Job! By the way, if you enjoy the show you should check out the book that led to the movie that led to the TV show. It’s a terrific read.


Last week the last new episode of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, my current favorite TV show aired. As it ended, with another fascinating and realistic portrayal into the lives of the Dillon Panthers of Dillon, Texas I couldn’t help but ask myself “why is no one watching this show?” It’s quite simply the best written, most compellingly acted show on television and for fridaynightlights.jpgreasons that escape me, has yet to find an audience.  What is wrong with you people?

There are lots of shows that get critical acclaim. There are lots of TV shows that have large audiences (I for one have about had all I can stand of American Idol). But it seems that it’s become more and more rare that shows that get the critical acclaim also get the large audience. I don’t know why this is.  FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS has become appointment television in our household. I watch because I love the quirky characters and the town’s devotion to it’s High School football team. My wife loves it because she thinks it’s one of the most realistic portrayals of a modern marriage ever shown on television and my daughter likes it because according to her “the guys are hot.”Tim Riggins, Friday Night Lights’ resident hearthrob

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS is that rare episodic TV show that manages it’s large ensemble cast with flare and depth. Each of the shows characters is fully drawn, flawed and in some way lovable. From the single minded Coach Taylor to the hunky, misunderstood loner Tim Riggins, every single one of them shines on the screen. So why aren’t you watching?

Maybe, you say, you don’t like football. FNL isn’t about football. Football is the backdrop and the thread that runs through each characters life, but it’s not the point. Maybe, you say, you don’t like shows about teenagers. Sure, there’s a lot of teenagers on the show but there’s also plenty of poignant adult characters who are trying to do right by each other and their children and finding it a very rocky road indeed. Maybe, you say, FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS is on at an inconvenient time or that you actually have a life and don’t sit home on Friday nights to watch TV. To that I say, first, ouch. And second: hello TIVO!

With the writer’s strike cutting into production there will be no new episodes of FNL this year and that’s too bad. And their may not be anymore ever. That would be a shame. NBC is apparently mulling whether or not to cancel the show and lots of fans have launched save FNL campaigns and are sending NBC executives light bulbs and miniature footballs. Which cracks me up. So here is what you can do. If you have high speed Internet you can go to and watch every episode for free! So what are you waiting for.

Watch FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. You won’t be disappointed.

I’m just sayin’


It’s been an extremely busy week here at the world headquarters of Team Mike. That’s because today is the official publication day of SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE. February has turned out to be a very busy month indeed.

spygodmangacorrect.JPGSPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE is my first foray into manga. What is manga you ask? Good question and I’m glad you asked it. Manga is a Japanese word that means comics. In Japan after WWII a very different style of comic writing, illustrating and publishing took hold. Much different than what we are used to seeing in American comics that tended to focus on costumed super heroes. In Japan, the characters were usually younger, most often teenage girls and the stories they told were illustrated in a particular style and were much longer than the typical comic book. So manga is basically what we in the United States would call a graphic novel. A novel where the story is carried in both words and pictures.

I’ve gotten a lot of reader feedback from fans wanting to know why I’ve continued the Spy Goddess series in manga as opposed to a regular novel. My answer is that if you’re a writer that wants to grow your audience you need to “fish where the fish are” and manga has the fastest growing readership of any part of the YA market today. So I said sign me up.spygoddessmithrasmanga.jpg

The good news is that SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE is a BRAND NEW Rachel Buchanan adventure. Let me say that again, SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE is a BRAND NEW Rachel Buchanan adventure. It continues the story where SPY GODDESS: TO HAWAII, WITH LOVE left off. It has the same characters, the same villain and it has all of the high action, suspense, humor and witty dialogue that you’ve come to expect from the novels.

So if you’re hungry for more SPY GODDESS action please give the new book a try. Think of SPY GODDESS: THE CHASE FOR THE CHALICE as a bridge between the Spy Goddess novels and what SPY GODDESS might look like on a movie screen. And if we all get behind it and make it a big success maybe we’ll see the adventures of Rachel Buchanan at the local cineplex one of these days.

It could happen!

I’m just sayin’

Peace out.